Launching Your Business

Are you ready? This is like starting a new job. The first 90 days, is a learning process. There will be times you feel overwhelmed, then thrilled, and then filled with questions. You might feel like you're in kindergarten again. But Don't Worry - you have support! It won't be long before you're soaring! Here's to building a dream INCOME with a powerhouse TEAM!

Let's Plan Your Launch!

Download Your Quick Start Guide Below

The 3 Doors of Openness represents the psychology of your prospects. To progress a prospect naturally, you will first find out if they are open to LEARN about essential oils. Second, you will ask if they are open to USE essential oils. Finally, discover if they are open to SHARE essential oils with others and earn an income. Each door has an invitation that leads to a presentation (Class/Workshop, Wellness Consult, and Learn More). Walk through 3 Doors with invitations that lead to 3 presentations.

While building your doTERRA business, you will learn the Duplication Cycle: Classes lead to enrollments; enrollments lead to Wellness Consults; Wellness Consults lead to Learn More events; Learn More events lead to committed builders; committed builders lead to more classes.


Take some time to figure out your goals. Fill out this section in your

Quick Start Guide and share it with your Mentor.

Questions to answer:

  • What is your ultimate income goal?

  • What is your ultimate rank goal?

  • How much time can you commit to working each week?

  • When do you want to achieve your goal?

  • What rank do you want to be in one year?

  • What rank do you want to strive for in the next 90 days?

  • How committed are you to reaching these goals?

  • Why are these goals important to you?


  • Schedule when you're working on your business

  • Schedule time to network

  • Schedule events (workshops & learn more events)

  • Schedule team calls (Tuesdays @ 12pm MT)

  • Schedule regular mentoring


• Schedule your first 4 events (for fast growth, within a 2-week time period)

• Present to 10-12 people

• Create a list of 100 names

Your D.M.O (aka daily method of operations)

Daily Questions to Ask Yourself:

  • Who will I invite to a Learn More Event?

  • Who will I invite to the Reclaim Your Health Workshop?

  • Who has attended a Workshop or Event that needs an Enrollment Consult?

  • Who has enrolled that needs a Wellness Consult?

  • Who is building the business that I need to support?

  • What will I read, watch or listen to that will help me grow as a leader?

  • Who do I need to nurture relationships with (network)?

Weekly Objectives:

  • Attend Team Connection Calls (Tues @ 12pm MT)

  • Talk to my upline Leader for support & to set goals

  • Teach 3-5 people a Presentation

Monthly 8-6-1 Goal for Fast Growth:

  • 8 New Enrollments

  • 6 New LRPs

  • 1 Wellness Advocate

Crafting Your Story

It's important for you to become a good Story Teller.

You may have heard that "stories sell, facts tell".

As you start to build and grow your business, you will be influencing others to partner with you and purchase from you. Becoming a good story teller is how you can strengthen your influence.

Start with Crafting 3 Stories:

1. What You Do - this is a common question we all get asked all the time and sometimes it's the hardest to answer. Use the guide to figure this out for yourself (we all answer this a little differently), and then practice so it's easy to remember.

2. Your Product Story - this is the story you'll share when introducing people to the products. What product has had a big impact on you that is motivating to others? Use the guide to help write this.

3. Your Business Story - this is the story you'll share with others when discussing the business opportunity. What was your life like before doTERRA? What made you join doTERRA? How has your life changed after or what are your goals for the future that doTERRA will help with? Use the guide to help you.


You will be working with your Upline Mentor closely as you're learning how to build & grow your doTERRA business. Below are some resources that may help you as you're launching your business.
